Five Minute Fridays...
We write for five minutes flat on Fridays.
We write bold and beautiful and free. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just write or not.
Check out more here.
Topic today is rest. Ready....GO!
Restrooms...growing up my family always called the bathroom a restroom. Sort of formal I suppose but using the word bathroom made me slightly grossed out (restroom sounds so much prettier, don't you think?)
Which made me think of rest areas (bear with me all makes perfect sense [in my world anyway]).
I'm obsessed with rest areas...I love stopping at them, watching the people, seeing where they are from. Seeing everything they have in their cars. I love to people watch and what better place to do it, right? When I was younger and we traveled my sister and I used to make up stories about people by what they had in their car.
This July my husband and I took a cross country driving trip. We drove to Seattle and back (from NH). 2 weeks of driving...just for fun. It was possibly THE best vacation we've taken. We go to stop at all the rest areas...I was in heaven. Some of them we even got to grill lunch or dinner at.
My favorite. It was so beautiful and quiet and just perfect.
I know, probably not your typical rest Five Minute Friday post I'm sure...but's Friday - before a long weekend and I officially have Long Weekend Brain (and a case of the sillies).
That and I read the wrong Five Minute Friday post and wrote a killer post on something completely off topic...but shhhhhh...we won't mention that. Who knows...maybe I'm just psychic and I already have next weeks post already done. I know, I'm soooooooooo cutting edge :)
Oh I love rest area people watching, too:)! Love watching everyone stretch and get out of their cars, their hair all crazy looking! Brings back memories of traveling with my families. And I am anxious to see if you are psychic about next week!
I love rest stops too! I always wonder where people are going, what their stories are... so interesting. Love this!