Friday, August 26, 2011

3in30 - A head Start of Sorts (Or else I'm just really far behind)

So I've been watching this website and stalking the Facebook page for the month of August, a little nervous about committing.

But, what the hey! Might as well just jump right in now and get a head start of sorts.

My 3in30 (for August and most likely September):
  • Develop a healthy morning routine (which doesn't include yelling, fighting or rushing - ANYONE)
  • Purge my junk (and not become a hoarder)
  • Read a book (I used to read a TON, now I have a Kindle and I read none - go figure)

    3in30 I'm In!!


    1. LOL! LOVE your goals :).

      And I could relate to all of them, as a matter of fact, although I am reading a bit more now that I have a Kindle. Just not as much as I think I should (or would if I could get myself off of the computer).

      Glad you decided to join us!

    2. I look forward to seeing what book you decide to read! :)

    3. So glad that you "took the plunge" and are joining us! :) Now that you have your goals, think about practical steps you can take for each - small bite-sized pieces that you can do each of the next 30 days!

    4. Thanks ladies for the encouragement! Funny, I want to read more but haven't even thought about WHAT exactly to read! LOL
