Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Developing a Realistic Weekly Schedule {Homemakers Challenge}

I was so excited for this weeks {Homemakers Challenge} at Joyful Mothering.  

I thought "Great - just what I need - a schedule".  It fits me to the T - I have a planner, I make lists, I know what is going on with who at any given moment. 

Funny thing though…despite all that every time I tried to do this challenge, I hit a wall.  I feel overwhelmed with all the things I want to put on my list verse being realistic about what I can actually accomplish.  Thinking about weekly chores leads to other chores/things I don't really do often enough (only tall people actually see what I hide on top of the fridge, right?) which then snowballs into making a list of all things I've wanted to do EVER (clean the basement, paint the living room…and on and on). 

My problem?  Between my husband and I we have 7 kids between the ages of 7 and 18.   (Yes, you read that right - SEVEN).  Our household is far from 'traditional'.  We have kids here, there and everywhere.  In addition to that we both work outside the home.  No 2 nights in our household are ever the same, which makes it hard to say 'Monday night I'm going to [insert chore here]' - on any given night I am a cook, a taxi, a referee, a hairdresser.  Just last night I had to save a Lego man from being tortured by the salad spinner (welcome to my world!)

Conclusion?  I need to stop trying to be perfect and just go with it.  I need to learn to use what God gave me and rely on Him more.  I have a history of making unrealistic goals and setting myself up to fail.  So I made my list and I'm just going with it.  I'm going to pray for flexibility and wisdom to know what I should be doing when.  Here's hoping the dust bunnies under the couch don't multiply week to week if I forget and leave them there!

This weeks challenge is to come up with a list of 5-10 must do weekly chores.
  • dust
  • sweep the floors (ideally I should do this at least twice a week)
  • bathrooms
  • bedrooms
  • grocery shopping
  • garbage
  • fold/put away laundry

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